The Artwork of Jackson Bloch
Paintings with poems

Secrets from the park bench
I sat on a park bench one cool winter morn
As the sun strained against a fresh winter storm
The river beneath wound its way through the trees
While flakes wended down on a wandering breeze
It was a slow type of morning, thoughts hung in the air
Straying gently from there, off some place elsewhere
When suddenly the sky leapt to life with a shake
And waxwings came whistling, the dawn was awake
They twirled and they twisted in eccentric commute
En route to a breakfast of fermented fruit
They munched on their brunch of berries and frost
Then flushed in a flourish, in a flash they were off
And what would the man in his little rowboat
See all to himself as he drifted afloat?
What sounds would the woman as she walked through the snow
Collect and keep hidden? Only she’d know
The Garden Path
Adrift among the sands of time
The old man the boat
The dunes begin to swell and climb
They row to stay afloat
They know not when they are
The hands just point ahead
To an illusive future held ajar
By weathered palms unread
And tethered to the ceaseless pace
Of linear dimension
A growing need starts to replace
All objects of attention
See, to keep pace the present
Is a metabolic strain
And the dearth of desert food foments
Their gastronomic pain
Then from the west a whisper
Brings a sound to ease their woes
A building hymn of buzzing wings
The bow man hoists his bow
The archer’s eyes grow narrow
He spies some ripe organics
‘Cause time flies like an arrow
And fruit flies like bananas
And a single shot’s sufficient
To land plantains aloft
So travelers of time deficient
Can hold the scurvy off
When it comes to time’s fruition
Your hopes are never dashed
If only you hunt for your nutrition
Down the garden path

The Statue Garden

Long ago when the barren earth was rock and ice and sand
A lonely wind was all that stirred across the sleepy land
It crafted craggy mountains and hallowed valleys deep
Yet all that whispered whittling couldn’t help the wind to sleep
It murmured as it carved the hills of better company
It ached for friends to ride its currents and cure the malady
Of rippling over water’s edge and whistling through the dunes
Without more restless wanderers to share the eerie tunes
The wind designed to form its dream of companionship in flight
And eroded granite into creatures of elegance and height
The figures spread their massive wings and the wind was satisfied
Together they’d navigate the world and it could be their guide
For many years they joined aloft to watch the sundrenched peaks
And soar across the melting seas entranced by their mystique
But over time more beasts awoke and crawled from mud and stone
And the fellowship was splintered, the wind again alone
You see its friends were more engrossed in finding frogs and fish
And knew success might only come defying Wind’s one wish
By standing still forever to watch but not distress
The little animals that they hoped would feed their hungry nest
And still today they haven’t moved a step from where they were
They are statues in a world immutably astir
On misty mornings the wind laments its now forgotten dream
But reconciles its lost ambition with sharing the serene
Moonlight Mischief

One silent dawn a silent ship with sails of ivory
Appeared within a sheltered cove after years adrift at sea
The moon, who’d yet to go to bed, had mischief in his eye
“I think,” he thought, “before first light I’ll make this sailboat fly.”
He cast a beam so fair it seemed the surface stopped to stare
And mist arose like narwhal breath to shroud the salty air
Then waves and whales and great white sharks and gulls and even time
Stood still to watch the moon spin spells of magical design
The sea smoke swirled then puffed away to leave the cove anew
The lagoon was as a mirror that told a tale untrue
And so the sloop, becalmed on glass, discerned in its reflection
A bird of grace, finesse and speed to match its own complexion
The reflection splashed its watery wings and transcended two dimensions
Then rose into the lilac light in ethereal ascension
Its feathers firm it cut and curled and arced and wove in turn
And just as fast as it emerged it disappeared astern
I, amidships, wondered if what I had seen was real
The birth of fleeting flight that soared upon ideas
Or had the songs of sirens just turned my groggy head
And spun a tale illusive of deceptive dreamy thread?